tom “the hammer” delay: caught on tape?

Republican Congressman Tom DeLay stepped down today from his position as House Majority Leader, a position that he’s clung to confidently for the past year, despite the many scandals which have been swirling rapidly around him. One wonders what the difference was today. Could it be that his fellow Republicans had finally had enough? Was he forced out because they feared his presence at the healm of the party might taint November’s mid-term elections? Or, could it be that his friend Jack Abramoff’s recent decision to play ball with federal investigators has put a scare into DeLay, and that he’s just looking to low for a while? Or, could it possibly have something to do with the news that Time magazine just broke concerning his fellow dirty Congressman, Duke Cunningham, and the very real possibility that he was helping prosecutors by wearing a wire in the days leading up to his copping a plea for accepting bribes from a defense contractor? I wonder if there’s a way to find out if Cunningham and DeLay met during the period Cunningham was supposed to have been wired? Now, wouldn’t that be something?

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  1. Anonymous
    Posted January 8, 2006 at 1:57 pm | Permalink

    It’s about time, I was sick of being the only taint in DC.

    Just FYI, smart money’s on the taint in that one.

  2. mark
    Posted January 8, 2006 at 2:20 pm | Permalink

    There’s a colony of Taints living just off of K Street. You should stop in and introduce yourself.

  3. chris
    Posted January 9, 2006 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    I wonder if this guy is ever in public enough to have random strangers call him a fucking asshole?

    Actually, I am somewhat saddened that he wasn’t given enough rope to really hang himself. He was/is truly awesome in his ability to make a total sham of, well at this point all I can come up with is his constituency’s trust. Christ, reality even.

    Mark, you know what is really cool? I, and another one of your reader’s caught this as well. The Daily Show has like a two day delay on you. Often, I watch Mr. Stewart and s”p”ray at the screen through a mouth full of organic fruit loops, “where the fuck have you people been, Maynerd got there days before you people and HE lives in fucking Ypsilanti!”.

  4. mark
    Posted January 9, 2006 at 11:04 pm | Permalink

    I think it’s pretty well common knowlledge that the Daily Show writers let me do most of the hard work.

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