appropriately voiceless

The Bush inauguration is today, and I’m home sick with a cold… And, before you start thinking that I’m not really sick, and that I just called in today with a case of the blue flu, let me assure you that I really am… It started in San Francisco, but I was able to fight it off for a while. Right now, I’m having one caughing fit after another. I’m thinking that maybe I should cough up some phlegm on the scanner just to prove it to you. Or, maybe I could figure out how to leave an audio-post, so that you could hear my voice. Actually, I don’t have much of a voice today, which I think is kind of fitting, given the events taking place in DC right now… OK, I’m going to go and celebrate the $40 million coronation of W now by taking a big swig of Robitussin and reading up on the 34 scandals of the Bush administration. And maybe then I’ll go out and put the “Everyone Supports the Troops, You Fucking Asshole” magnet that I designed on my car.

UPDATE: Judy Bachrach from Vanity Fair speaks out about the lavish $40 million event on Fox News and gets shut down.

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  1. Posted January 21, 2005 at 9:25 am | Permalink

    Can you make those stickers available to everyone? My brother-in-law has designed one of his own. Drove all the from Texas to Kansas with it on the car and didn’t get run off the road.

  2. mark
    Posted January 21, 2005 at 10:31 am | Permalink

    I love the “Fear” ribbon. It’s less confrontational than mine. I think it’s better. And mine doesn’t look that professional. I just scrawled it out on a piece of notebook paper… and then didn’t have the courage to tape it to my rear window, as I’d planned to. I’ll scan it and post it later if I get a chance, so you can see it.

  3. Chelseatheinfidel
    Posted January 23, 2005 at 4:56 pm | Permalink

    I liked “Fear,” too. Simple and sobering.
    Yesterday, I passed a “Proud American” magnet–and it came to me: “Deeply Ashamed American.” Any artists out there who’d like to make up a bunch o’ those?
    Cheers, dears

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