october’s running out, could this be the surprise we’ve all been waiting for?

ABC News has in its possession a videotape in which a man covering his face threatens new terrorist attacks against America. As they’ve yet to determine whether or not the threat is legitimate, ABC hasn’t aired the tape. Conservative attack dog, Matt Drudge, who somehow knew about the tape almost immediately, is calling for ABC to broadcast it at once. (You do remember that there’s a correlation between higher terror warnings and the president’s favorability rating, don’t you?) Here’s a clip from the Washington Post story:

It has all the makings of an incendiary story: a chilling pre-election videotape featuring a supposed member of al Qaeda, declaring in English that “blood will run red in the streets of America.”

The problem, say ABC News executives, is that they can’t determine whether the tape, obtained by a producer, involves a real threat — or even the identity of the figure on it, a man wearing an ammunition belt and a headdress that obscures his face. The network enlisted the aid of the FBI and CIA but still can’t authenticate the 75-minute videotape…

Ross and other ABC staffers say they believe that a Bush administration official leaked the story to Internet gossip Matt Drudge as a way of pressuring the network into airing the tape, which would heighten concerns about terrorism in the final week of the president’s reelection campaign. They note that whoever gave the information to Drudge had a transcript of the tape.

And just when you thought that they couldn’t get any more despicable.

I bet when we finally see the tape, they guy is threatening to kill only black voters in swing states… “We hate black man and woman in Michigan! And Ohio! We kill as they wait on long lines to vote, when they could be happy staying home, enjoying television, being safe.” Just wait and see.

I can’t find it now, but a few minutes ago I stumbled across someone’s reworking of the color-coded threat level chart that we’ve all come to depend on so much over these past few years. Inside each of the colored rectangular boxes, where you’d expect to see words like “Low” and “Elevated,” there was instead a percentage indicating how much either Kerry or Bush was up in the polls. I believe the red box, the box indicating a “Severe” threat level, said, “Kerry up by over 5%.” I wish I could find it. You would have enjoyed it.

UPDATE: ABC apparently just gave in and aired the tape. Now I guess we just sit and wait for someone to ratchet up the threat level. Maybe there’ll be a press conference tomorrow morning.

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kerry announces last minute stop in detroit

I just got word that John Kerry has announced a last minute stop in Detroit this Monday afternoon. This is, of course, a mixed blessing. It’s great that he’s coming here, but it means that things are tight. As much as we might like to think otherwise, he wouldn’t be coming here if he didn’t have to… So, with that in mind, I’m asking all of my readers in Michigan to please get out and do something this weekend, even if it’s just for an hour or two. Every little bit does matter… And, if you can, take off Election Day to help take people to the polls. I’m always looking for people in Ypsi, but I’m sure you can find opportunities elsewhere. The important thing is that you contribute something. Losing Michigan isn’t an option.

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battleground state update

This just in from Rob, my friend that knows polls….

Toledo, OH (AP) _ The fans celebrating the World Series victory by the Boston Red Sox include John Kerry. He wore a Red Sox cap to this morning’s rally in Ohio. And Kerry recalled that a caller to a radio show months ago had said Kerry wouldn’t be president until the Sox won the Series. Kerry now says, “We’re on our way.”

Colorado (9 electoral votes)

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hey, mark, what’s going on today?

Do you really want to know?

Are you sure?

Well, first of all, things are really fucked up in Ohio:

Republicans have already filed 35,000 challenges to voters’ eligibility and are preparing to send recruits into 8,000 polling places next Tuesday to challenge other voters they suspect are not eligible, particularly hundreds of thousands of the newly registered. Democrats are alarmed at the effort, saying it could tie up voting and keep many away from the polls.

On the positive side, however, The New Yorker has endorsed a presidential candidate, something it has not felt obliged to do before in its 80-year history:

While Bush has pandered relentlessly to the narrowest urges of his base, Kerry has sought to appeal broadly to the American center. In a time of primitive partisanship, he has exhibited a fundamentally undogmatic temperament. In campaigning for America’s mainstream restoration, Kerry has insisted that this election ought to be decided on the urgent issues of our moment, the issues that will define American life for the coming half century. That insistence is a measure of his character. He is plainly the better choice. As observers, reporters, and commentators we will hold him to the highest standards of honesty and performance. For now, as citizens, we hope for his victory.

Then there’s the fact that the CIA is holding out on us until after the election:

The Central Intelligence Agency has blocked, at least temporarily, the distribution of a draft internal report that identifies individual officers by name in discussing whether anyone should be held accountable for intelligence failures leading up to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, members of Congress from both parties said.

And Democratic voter registrations are being shredded:

Arizona-based Sproul & Associates is under investigation in Oregon and Nevada over claims that canvassers hired by the company were instructed to register only Republicans and to get rid of registration forms completed by Democrats.

And Florida is being stolen right under our noses:

Lines have moved so slowly at new touch-screen voting machines that only six votes per hour are being cast in parts of South Florida, a troubling ratio for next week’s expected crush of voters. Gov. Jeb Bush ordered election supervisors to “preserve order at the polls” after episodes of voter harassment arose and some workers threatened to abandon their posts when an aide was nearly choked by an angry partisan who grabbed the identification badge around her neck. And as many as 60,000 absentee ballots here in Broward County have gone unaccounted for.

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motor city power-brokers take sides

Since the Detroit News has decided to break with tradition and endorse neither candidate for President this year, two trusted Detroiters have decided to step into the fray and offer their thoughts. On one hand, we have Kid Rock who loves Bush, and on the other we have Eminem who does not… I don’t know that this really warranted an entire post, but I wanted to link to Em’s new Fuck Bush video, which I’m watching as I blog tonight. (The White Stripes, to my knowledge, have not taken sides yet.)

Posted in Art and Culture | 8 Comments


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