its goatse time

If youre out and about tonight, you might want to pick up the new Goatse-ariffic issue of Time. (Scroll down for a shocking glimpse, if you dare.) Its got an interesting interview with Kerry in it. Here, for those of you who dont want to be seen carrying the absolutely filthy copy of Time to the checkout counter, is an an encouraging snip in which Kerry does a great job:

TIME: This past month has been pretty brutal for you, between the Swift Boat ads, the Republican Convention and the Vice President saying if you get elected, it would invite another terrorist attack. Have you come to any new conclusions about whom you’re running against and what you have to do to win?

KERRY: I think the President’s unwillingness to walk away from those comments makes it clear that he and the Vice President will say anything and do anything to get elected and to hold on to power. It was a shameful and outrageous effort.

But you know, I’ve been in worse situations in my life. The attacks don’t attack me as much as they attack Americans and America. They’re trying to distract people from the real issues that matter.

America is not as safe as we ought to be after 9/11. We can do a better job at homeland security. I can fight a more effective war on terror. The standard of living for the average American has gone down. People’s incomes have dropped. Five million Americans have lost their health insurance. The deficit is the largest it’s been in the history of this country. They’re taking money from Social Security and transferring it to the wealthiest people in America to drive us into debt. They’re shredding alliances around the world with people we have traditionally been able to rely on. That’s what bothers me.”

OK, here’s the cover. I can’t imagine what they might have in store for us next month – perhaps some graphic fisting, or some meatonomy close-ups.

I was just wondering if goatse-ing the flag would still be allowed under the new anti-flag desecration legislation that the Republicans are planning to spring right before the election to embarrass Kerry and Edwards and inflame the idiots out there who would vote based solely upon a Bush ad saying, Kerry and Edwards say its OK to burn the American flag, the flag many of our loved ones have died protecting, without going to the effort of reading the bill and finding out what it really said. Surely there’s a clause addressing it.

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One Comment

  1. Posted April 17, 2005 at 11:39 pm | Permalink

    aa7efd9c2d13097aa012efa702cde6f9 e.

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