volume is pleasant: pylon’s reunited and it feels so good

I just received the following note from a reader in Athens, Georgia who apparently witnessed the unexpected and historic reunion of one of my favorite bands last night, Pylon. Heres his note:

Mark mark mark!!!! Fucking Pylon played an unannounced reunion show last night. It was unbelievably good. For me it was an authentic spiritual experience. So many people crammed into this bar, more outside looking in. Everyone dancing, sweating and smiling. I could only catch four and a half songs, because there was a pop festival down the street that I was playing in. Needless to say, the festival organizer wasn’t very happy that his competition was the original Pylon lineup, but it was such an important night for Athens music that I think he’ll get over it. They were so fucking good, and they’re going to do more shows in a few months. Check out We Are Pylon dotcom. There’s not much there now, but hopefully there will be soon.

Okay, gotta go get a catscan on my dick. Really.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the self-taught, pioneering art-band, check out the interview I did with the band not too long ago. Then go buy a record.

(note: I’d like to think that my interview two years ago was the catalyst that made this reunion happen, but that’s probably not what happened. It would be kind of cool if that were the case though.)

As for our correspondent in Athens and his dick, I wouldnt worry too much just yet. He tells me that they think its just a kidney stone, nothing involving open sores, bulbous tumors, or anything like that.

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