spending an evening alone, getting fatter

Tonights going to be pretty laid back for me. Im just going to pour myself a big, frosty doughnut drink and curl up with the 9/11 Commission report.

…Concerning the new Krispy Kreme doughnut drink, how many of you out there are just smacking yourselves in the head thinking, “Why didn’t I come up with that?” Its one of those things that just seems so fucking obvious in retrospect, isnt it? To think that weve all been spending these past centuries like animals, just washing down glazed doughnuts with the likes of coffee, milk and juice when liquefied doughnut drinks were out there, just waiting to be discovered.

I ask you, could the Krispy Kreme IV be too far away?

And speaking of the 9/11 Comission report, I’d suggest that you start with the chapter on 9/11 humor. Tom Kean’s got some great one-liners.

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One Comment

  1. Mark
    Posted July 23, 2004 at 11:05 am | Permalink

    Chapter 1.1 of the Commission’s report is absolutely chilling. They have almost every move taken by the terrorists and the passengers scheduled down to the minute (based up calls made by the passengers and crew members, and things overheard from the cockpit by the FAA). At one point, it seems that a passenger, a man who had served in the Israeli military, got up and took on the two terrorists who where seated in front of him. Its unclear, but it sounds as though he could have disarmed them if not for the fact that, unbeknownst to him, there was another terrorist seated right behind him. That terrorist killed the man… It’s the details like that that kept me up last night. The whole thing became very real to me.

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