convention blues

Im watching the democratic national convention and lamenting the fact that Im not a better writer. If Id tried harder, Im thinking, I might have had a shot at being one of the bloggers invited to cover the events in Boston. Instead, I wasted my time going on and on about pubic grooming and the bathroom habits of indie filmmakers So now Im just sitting here with Clementine, listening to the speeches of Al Gore and Jimmy Carter, and feeling like a schmuck.

If youd like to hear the firsthand accounts of the convention by my more respected contemporaries in the Blogosphere, you can check out Convention Bloggers dotcom.

Maybe Ill go back through the archives tonight, strike all the self-indulgent and otherwise stupid stuff (90% by my estimation), and set my sites on 2008. It would be good, I think, to be respected, and to be a part of history.

After all, it’s time I start thinking about the legacy that Im leaving Clementine.

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One Comment

  1. Mark
    Posted July 27, 2004 at 9:56 pm | Permalink

    I’m watching the convention again tonight. It occasionally occurs to me that Ive got something clever to say about someones speech, but theres just too much going on to comment on. And I feel like if I say something about one speaker, I should say something about all of them In general though, I have been pleased with the content provided the first few nights. From my perspective its been effective. Its firing up the delegates and getting them ready for the long, hard fight ahead. And its putting the Democratic message out there in front of the American people I could write for hours about it, but Id rather just rock Clementine in the rocking chair and enjoy the speeches.

    Right now, Obama’s kicking ass.

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