another mark maynard bubbles to the surface

Ive been receiving notes these past few days from another Mark Maynard. This one lives in England. I think he does something with computers, but Im not sure why I think that. (Ive just read through all of his notes and theres no mention of computers.) Maybe its the photo that he just sent. Maybe I think he looks like a man who knows how to use a computer. At any rate, he started writing a few days ago, after punching into his browser on a whim and finding this pathetic, little site of mine. I dont get the sense that hes mad at me for taking the url, but I suppose he could be. (I suppose there’s also a chance that he’s a very wealthy Mark Maynard and his plan is to buy this site from me in a desperate attempt to save the name before it’s further soiled… Perhaps he even represents a collective of Mark Maynards who have pooled their assets to accomplish this… What a wonderful thought.)

By and large, Id say that this is a good Mark Maynard. At least he appears to be… He also appears to own a coat and a hat.

For all of you other Mark Maynards who are lurking about, heres his last note. As it involves our family’s history, I thought that it might interest you.

I have done quite a bit of research on my family tree, back to 1715 when birth death and marriage records started in the UK. I have registered with a number of genealogy web sites and am always getting records from Maynard’s in the US, even though I have little ties and connections there. The only Maynard’s in my tree went to Canada during the 2nd world war to escape the blitz – some were drowns by German U boats.

According to my research the word Maynard comes from the French surname, Menard, and we all derive from French huganoes repatriated to England during the Anglo French 100 year war. We were all French protestants escaping the catholic French regime, sort of asylum seekers from the middle ages.

Here, in case you are interested is a photo of the English Mark Maynard. (This, I suppose, is what I would look like in England.) It appears to have been taken on a mountaintop, or in front of a backdrop that looks like a mountaintop.

Some of you may remember that I was, for a time, receiving letters from a young woman in England named Ainsley. If you’ll recall, she found my site while searching for her long lost half-brother – another Mark Maynard. Well, I thought that perhaps this new English Mark Maynard could be her half-brother. I mentioned it to him though, and he says it’s not him. That would have been cool if I could have connected siblings. That, I think, might justify all this other garbage.

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