a new mm.com design?

I was thinking that maybe its time for a new look here at MM.com, and since this new iteration of Blogger comes with a lot of new templates, I thought that maybe I should try one Now that I flip through them though, Im not all that impressed.

And the whole idea of changing my site just reminds me of what a loser I am when it comes to computers. (Adding the Comments capability last night took me about three hours and it still looks like shit.)

My most recent plan was to keep things the way they are until this kid of ours reaches 12 years old. By then, Im thinking, he or she should be in a position to do all this kind of stuff for me. But I’m growing impatient.

Did I tell you about the Programming for Panties proposal that my friend Steve suggested over breakfast a few months ago? He said hed help me with my website if I gave him an Ypsipanty an hour. Ive been considering his offer ever since and I think Im finally getting to the point where I might take him up on it. I really want to add some links on my front page and do something with my comments like he and his wife Hillary do on their sites. (They have it set up so that you can see in the right-hand column where the most recent comments have been left. I think thats really cool.) I also need to finally get around to doing something about the sections of this site where I have no content at all, like behind the See: Mark Maynard tab.

So, if you have any ideas as to how we can make a better MM.com, just leave a note in the extra-shitty new Comments section.

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