triumphs of vivisection

My brother-in-law, as I type this, is somewhere on the Galapagos Islands. Linette heard from him a few days ago. He had been eating something he called kneecap soup. His traveling companion, Im told, had chosen instead to fill up on some kind of dried blood crackers.

The Galapagos Islands have fascinated me since I first heard of them, as a kid. I remember having a book on Bigfoot, giant quid and other creatures that may or may not have been real. There was a chapter on Darwin and his work on the Galapagos Islands. I loved reading about all of the weird creatures he found there As I kid, I though that perhaps it was place where alien beings had conducted research, a kind of interplanetary Island of Dr. Moreou.

I told my brother-in-law to keep his eyes out for weird and exotic beasts. He took his camera, so Im hoping Ill be able to post some cool stuff once he gets back, like pictures of people with snakes for legs and lizard-headed monkeys.

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