evidence of conspiracy

A well-rested Doug Skinner also chimed in on the subject of the man with the Neurotic Black Ulcer.

By the way, the ulcer in that picture in your diary is “necrotic,” not “neurotic.” The man, of course, is Jack Ruby.

Doug wins on two counts. First, he called me on my not so funny substitution of the word neurotic for necrotic. (I would never make it as a real journalist or, maybe I would.) Secondly, he identified the man in the photo as everyones favorite Patsy Cleaner Upper, Jack Ruby. Bingo, Mr. Skinner!

For what its worth, I promise to never substitute proper scientific words with similarly spelled funny adjectives again. I have learned my lesson and I am deeply ashamed.

I will also, in the future, refrain from making sly, veiled comments about the New York Times and the shameful behavior they exhibited in allowing a reporter with a double digit correction rate not only to stay at their paper but to be given assignments of more importance.

While were at it, I also vow to reopen the file on the Kennedy assassination. I believe that right now, perhaps for the first time in history, we have assembled in one place (at MM.com) the brain-power sufficient to bust this case wide open. The six of you reading this, led by me, will make history.

(Insert multiple humorous comments here.)

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