its all beginning to make sense

I got a letter today from a woman in Oklahoma. It said simply, Requesting a copy of Crimewave. I didnt quite know what to make of it. First, Crimewave is a print magazine and she didnt include her address. Second, such requests are usually made with some form of payment attached. I appreciated her bravado though I doubt that I would ever send a note to Paramount Home Video saying, Requesting box set of the Godfather films on DVD. That takes confidence that I just dont have.

While thinking about how to respond, I got a note from my friend Jeff, telling me that one of his readers had just let him know that I was mentioned on the USA Today website. Apparently, one of their columnists decided to do an A through Z list of good war distractions… I suppose I beat out Marilyn McCoo, Mister Mister and all of my other rivals.

The M entry states:

“M” is for Mark Maynard, frequent blogger and co-creator of the stupendous ‘zine Crimewave USA . You should e-mail him (link) and get a copy; contrary to its title, Crimewave doesn’t really have anything to do with crime. Unless you steal it.

So, thats why people were beginning to write and ask/demand copies of the magazine. (I was tempted to stretch the truth and say more than just that one woman had written based up that write-up, but, sadly, thats not the case. She was the only one.)

I wish the author had linked to the new Crimewave site, or to, but I guess this is still kind of cool, even if it does just give my email address. I like knowing that a website that my grandmother reads has buried within it a mention of me and my little projects.

Oh, I should add that with me on the A-Z list are such things as Bust magazine, Chan Marshalls band Cat Power, American Splendors Harvey Pekar, and the character of Russell on HBOs Six Feet Under. Pretty cool company.

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